Occasionally I have what I call my dark days, which are the days when I wake and just don't feel myself. Do you get them to? I mean this motherhood malarkey is rather hard some weeks isn't it, and I think the stress just creeps up on me. But I always try to keep soldiering on so here are my top 5 tips that help me get through those dark days. Hope they help you to.
My beautiful little girl Phoebe entered the world on 22nd June 2016, and ever since it's been quite a roller coaster of emotions for me. From sheer panic because I had absolutely no clue what I was actually supposed to be doing...lol I'm sure all new mummies probably felt the same, to utter joy when she took her first steps, said her first word, and called me mummy for the first time. Motherhood is by far the best job I've ever had. It comes with highs and lows which I'll continue to share. But let's go back a bit and start with my labour & birth story... June 22nd 2016 I actually think my labour officially started the night before I had Phoebe, because I couldn't sleep at all and just felt so frigidity and odd. Okay so odd doesn't really explain much but, I just felt like something wasn't as it had been before. Also through out my pregnancy I'd always said, that I had a feeling the baby would come early, and her due date was actually 1s...