Occasionally I have what I call my dark days, which are the days when I wake and just don't feel myself. Do you get them to? I mean this motherhood malarkey is rather hard some weeks isn't it, and I think the stress just creeps up on me. But I always try to keep soldiering on so here are my top 5 tips that help me get through those dark days. Hope they help you to.
So here's another post from my old blog...
I wrote it after watching a talk show and they were asking, "would you write a letter to your teenage self?" and it got me thinking about my teenage years, and how I actually hated them. Okay so hate may be a little harsh but, I really wasn't a happy teenager.
I wrote it after watching a talk show and they were asking, "would you write a letter to your teenage self?" and it got me thinking about my teenage years, and how I actually hated them. Okay so hate may be a little harsh but, I really wasn't a happy teenager.
I went from being a fairly happy child, to an awkward teen in what felt like a day. I remember getting spots on my chin around 10 1/2 years old, then my period came at 11 years old. Oh the joys...
My mum thought that me getting my period was the best news ever, she even congratulated me. Me on the other hand, was horrified by the fact that I had blood gushing out of my private parts. Along with my period came the sweating and BO that I hadn't had before.
After my period, came my braces and glasses. Hello four eyes, braces freak... (nicknames from my lovely old school chums).
I didn't mind wearing my glasses, and actually thought I looked pretty cool to be honest. I remember my first frames with such fondness. They were big round ones with a tortoise shell design. I think I've probably still got them lying around somewhere actually.
I got bulled quite badly at secondary school, and even had to go to school later then everyone else and leave earlier then the rest for a while to stop the constant taunts on my way to and from school. Thankfully I had a great deputy head who really helped, but I also had the worst teacher for a while, who basically told my mum that I must be lying as the girls I told her who'd bullied me couldn't possibly of had as they were such lovely girls. Erm I don't think so.
Even though I was definitely quirky and a major outsider and what a few people would probably say a weirdo, I had a few really lovely friends thank goodness, who helped me get through it all. I'm so glad those days are behind me. I still feel I'm a little of an outsider but as I've got older I'm just embracing my quirks more.
I got bulled quite badly at secondary school, and even had to go to school later then everyone else and leave earlier then the rest for a while to stop the constant taunts on my way to and from school. Thankfully I had a great deputy head who really helped, but I also had the worst teacher for a while, who basically told my mum that I must be lying as the girls I told her who'd bullied me couldn't possibly of had as they were such lovely girls. Erm I don't think so.
Even though I was definitely quirky and a major outsider and what a few people would probably say a weirdo, I had a few really lovely friends thank goodness, who helped me get through it all. I'm so glad those days are behind me. I still feel I'm a little of an outsider but as I've got older I'm just embracing my quirks more.
Right enough reminiscing for now, let's get on with the letter that I'd send to my teenage self.
Dear Hayley,
First things first I want to tell you that someone will love your quirky ways. The fact that you feel different from others is actually a good thing, and you'll soon realise that being the odd one is great. You'll become confident in your own skin and those pesky spots will clear up. You'll still get the odd two or three, but nothing like the amount you did have. So no more days of not wanted to leave the house because you felt too ugly. You'll always miss your dad, but things will be okay, and I know he'd be proud of you. Things with your mum will continue to be a struggle, but with each day you'll grow stronger and realise that you don't have to please her all the time. Your older brother will realise that your not actually too annoying to have as a sister. You'll have such a great friendship with your sister that you'd be lost without her...
All the bullying you had at school, will make you stronger. You'll realise that those bullies were actually the ones that had something wrong with them, not you. You'll even laugh at the fact that those horrid boys, used to sing "who let the dogs out" as you walked by...
You'll find friends and a boyfriend who will love the fact that your different. Your friends will know that your the one to go to for advice, and for a laugh. Your boyfriend will love that you snort when you laugh, he'll also love that you make up your own words for songs, because you can't hear all the correct words. At some point you'll realise that to be happy you have to think happy. Yes you'll still have those dark days but overall you'll be so happy with how things turn out. All those days of dreaming of having a family of your own, will come true. It'll take longer than you imagine, but to be honest it happens just when your ready for it to happen. So be patient...
At some point you'll discover blogging and the whole community, and it'll open your eyes to a whole new life. You'll discover a love of photography and writing will become a passion of yours again. You'll find a job that you really enjoy, it'll still have it's ups and downs but you'll work there for almost ten years. Go girl...
So basically stop all your worrying, because your life will be great...
Love Hayley xx
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